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When submitting an act or treaty to please follow the following guidelines

- Make separate pages describing the act and linking to the act, the page describing the act should be in the "Laws" category and should link to the page with the text of the act. The page with the text of the act should be called the name of the act prefaced by "Text:" so for the charges act you would make a page called "charges-act" that describes the charges act and "Text:charges-act" that is linked to on the page "charges-act"

- When submitting a treaty indicate on the page that describes it if it is in effect yet, a treaty is in effect if it has been both signed by the president and ratified by all other signatory nations.

- When submitting an act or treaty please ensure that acts have been passed by the legislative branch of Cecilia and that treaties have both been passed by the legislative branch and signed by the president (treaties that have not been ratified by other signatory nations can be added however it must be indicated at the top of the page that it is not in effect as other signatory nations haven't ratified it).