Treaty Act

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Treaty act 2023

This act aims to give ceticilia the legal framework for negotiating and ratifying treaties.


For the purposes of this act a treaty is defined as a binding formal agreement between two or more governments that establishes obligations and other terms between signatories.

Procedure for initiating treaty discussion

This act gives the sole right to initiate formal discussion for treaties to the foreign affairs ministry or president if the foreign affairs ministry has no members, private citizens may lay the groundwork for such formal disscussion but they may not give the impression that they have any official legal power.

Procedure for ratifying treaties

In order for a treaty to be ratified it must first be proposed to parliament by the president, parliament must then in a 3/4ths or higher vote agree for the treaty to be ratified, If they do not meet this then the president must then wait at least 24 hours to resubmit the treaty. The president should use this time to work with the other countries to work on the treaty to meet parliament's expectations according to a document parliament must submit indicating why they didnt vote in favor. After parliament allows the treaty to be ratified the president must sign it into law. Treaties only come into effect after ratified by all other signatories unless the president signs an executive order bringing it into effect.

Ministry of foreign affairs

This section is intended to flesh out the MFA. - The MFA shall be headed by a Minister of Foreign affairs. - In the event that the seat of minister of foreign affairs is empty, the power shall be held by the president. - The MFA is empowered to negotiate deals with other nations however any major deals negotated must be signed off on by the president.


Defrauding another nation. To commit the offence of defrauding another nation one must lead a representative of another nation to believe something false with the intent to defraud them, this can include giving the impression that they have power that they dont, lying about ceticilian law to change the terms of a treaty or lying about or lying about internal party happenings.

A person found guilty of comiting the crime of defrauding another nation shall be sentanced to a ban from holding office for a period not exceeding 3 weeks, for the purposes of this offence "office" includes any position in the MFA and the MERI.