Speed Up Parliament Act

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Speed Up Parliament Act of 2023

1. All bills shall be in the voting phase for no more than 24 hours.

2. The debate phase shall automatically close 24 hours after the last direct reply to the proposal, or if there is a call for a vote for cloture and the same amount of people required to pass a bill which does not amend the constitution vote in favor of cloture. The proposer of a bill will still be able to call cloture on their own too.

3. Those Members of Parliament who did not cast a vote within the voting phase shall be counted as an abstention vote and labeled "not present."

4. If a Member is "not present" a total of three times in a month, they shall be removed from their seat. A person expelled from parliament under this act shall be banned from holding a seat in parliament for 2 weeks.

5. There shall only be three bills up for consideration in parliament at a time.

6. As this act replaces multiple parts of the existing parliament act the existing parliament act should be amended to "tipex" out the parts that are replaced by this act. The parts removed are "[length of debate phase and date of conclusion(not below 2 days unless an emergency act and not exceeding 14)]" in article 5.1 and the charge of "chronic neglect of parliamentary duties which shall be replaced with the provision in article 4 of this act.