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Not to be confused with the Olive Branch Party

The OBS(Olive Branch Society) was a secret society created by an anonymous leader who was later revealed to be Mia. The party was initially aimless, eventually deciding to merge the GPoC with another party that was active at the same time, in the end the OBS decided to try to install a dictatorship in Ceticilia.

Early days

The OBS was initially aimless however Mia later decided it should be used to merge the GPoC and a now defunct party that was active at the time by the same name (hereafter the parties will be followed by the year of their founding to differentiate them) Mia did this with the objective of acquiring gpoc (2017) membership and creating competition in the Ceticilian political landscape " I wanted the Geolibertarians to win and I wanted to be a direct part of the effort to help them win".

Shift to the installation of a dictatorship

Overtime the OBS started to exercise more control over the politics of Ceticilia, this was accomplished by having high ranking politicians inside the OBS who could be threatened, these people included Luna Aphelion Ceticilia's lead legislature and Astrex the president. Tactics used by the OBS include threats, however plans to have members give Mia their voting information were considered.

Resistance to the OBS

There were two major factions opposing the OBS, both of whom had limited effect on the operation of the OBS.

"The revolution"

Astrex was recruited and later decided to recruit Luna Aphelion, after a day or so of being in the OBS she realised the aims of the OBS (Dictatorial control of the Ceticilian political landscape) were "against the very foundation of Ceticilian society". As soon as Astrex realized the aims of the OBS were immoral him and Luna began considering ways to unmask Mia as the creator of the OBS. From the start "The revolution" as they called themselves ("Cool names and secret societies seem to be in fashion now" as Luna said) knew that Mia was the leader and creator of the OBS. Astrex had messages from Mia where she confessed and could forward messages from Mia's personal account to Luna and the revolutions Telegram Chat.

Plans considered were using a possible exploit in telegram that Luna had thought might exist (however this was scrapped due to ethical concerns and the flagrant violation of Macronational law) and calling Mia and her anonymous "OBS" telegram account (however this was scrapped due to the fact that it was almost certain to fail).

The revolution did do some things to assist with impeding the OBS, most notably installing JAMS as an intelligence asset in the OBS.

Jordan Lord and the GPoC (2017)

Jordan was a member of the OBS and was the subject of numerous threats with the objective of forcing him to merge the GPoC 2017 and the GPoC 2023 (which was controlled by Mia) which were all refused by him. However he did little else to even attempt to bring about the end of the OBS, his actions during the time consisted of trying to pin the OBS on the DSP who was the GPoC 2017's political rival (even though it would later come to light that the initial objective of the OBS was for Mia to gain membership of the GPoC 2017) and propagandizing for the GPoC 2017.

Interview with Mia

Luna Aphelion: tbh i wanna start keeping articles on ceticilia.com about major events in ceticilian history

LA: can you tell me all their is to know about the OBS

Mia: It started as an idea of mine inspired by astrex's order of the rose

Mia: I wanted to create my own secret society basically

Mia: I don't think I really knew what I wanted to do with it

Mia: Later on I decided I wanted to use it to merge the Geolibertarian Party of Ceticilia (2017) with the Geolibertarian Party of Ceticilia (2023)

Mia: Because I personally had a vested interest in becoming a Geolibertarian (still do but you know how that has turned out) (Context: Mia later applied to the GPoC 2017 however it was denied after an obscenely long wait time)

Mia: Also I wanted the Geolibertarians to win and I wanted to be a direct part of the effort to help them win

Mia: Ultimately the issue with the OBS was that I was holding people against their will

Mia: Threatening them with vague messaging

Mia: It wasn't really meant to be fascist, but I was trying to run a secret society like how I thought a secret society should be run. So basically in such a way that nothing will ever be leaked (Context: At the time The Revolution were alleging that the OBS was a fascist organization, however a court would later rule that it was merely dictatorial and not fascist, a ruling which Luna (Who originally made the allegation of fascism) agrees with.

Mia: Obviously my plan was off because it did inevitably get leaked.

Mia: The leader of OBS being anonymous was specifically meant to ensure that if the org was ever caught I would have some plausible deniability if it was being prosecuted. And of course that actually ended up working (Context: Mia was Acquitted in her original trial as there was insufficient evidence)