Tutorial:Guide to creating an election using Helios

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This guide is intended to instruct MERI staff on how to create an election. Any formatting or factual errors should be forwarded to its maintainer Luna Aphelion (luna-aphelion@proton.me) This page may only be edited by the MERI under EXEC-Aphelion-2023-003.

Annotated picture of the heliosvoting.org homepage.
Annotated picture of the heliosvoting.org homepage.
  1. Go to heliosvoting.org
  2. Log in with GitHub or Google.
  3. Click the create election button
  4. Fill out the form presented to you (make sure you check randomize answer order and private)
  5. On the election control page click questions.
  6. Fill out the presented page and click add question (repeat for all needed questions) then click back to election at the top of the page.
  7. Click voters and ballots.
  8. Download the CSV file pinned in the MERI group chat.
  9. Click the bulk upload voters button and upload the downloaded CSV file.
  10. Go back to election.
  11. Press freeze ballot and open election
  12. Accept
  13. Go to Voters and ballots
  14. Press email voters
  15. Add the time voting opens to the body and press send

After the election has been created you need to announce in the Ceticilia chat that the election has been created.
