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This executive order aims to define the role, power, and responsibility of the vice president.

Definition of the Vice President:

  1. The vice president is a person appointed by the president during their presidency or candidacy.
  2. The vice president is meant to be the president's second-in-command, tasked with managing less important affairs as defined by the president.

Power of the Vice President:

  1. The vice president is empowered to issue executive orders that may be vetoed by the president and must not contradict orders issued by the president.
    1. Executive orders issued by the vice president are to be numbered as EXEC-VP-[VP's last name]-year-[incrementing counter]. This scheme should be followed even if the vice president is acting as the president.
  2. In the event that the president is unable to fulfill the powers and duties of the office or takes leave, the vice president may, at the president's discretion, serve as the acting president until the president's return from leave.
    1. If the president fails to inform the vice president about their status as acting president, the vice president is empowered to request a judge to affirm their position as acting president.
    2. Acting president means that the vice president holds the power of the office but not the office itself.