Citizenship application processing guide

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This page instructs MERI staff on how to process an application for Ceticilian citizenship. This page may only be edited by the MERI under EXEC-Aphelion-2023-003.

How applications work

Applications are sent to the login to which can be found in the MERI telegram chat, the application should be a completed version of the form at Citizenship application form.

1. Check the application for completeness, if all fields have been filled in then the application is good, if not you should request the missing information from whoever delivered the application before continuing.

2. If they haven't answered yes on question 4 deny the application immediately.

3. look for the usernames provided in the second field and send an invite to the main Ceticilia chat.

4. Download the latest electoral roll CSV file from the MERI group chat, add the new citizens information and check at least twice that you didn't miss any cells or make a formatting mistake. One missed cell would delay an election until the CSV file can be repaired.

5. Upload the new CSV file and make sure that you pin it.
